How to play a short beep to android phone's loudspeaker programmatically?

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How to play a short beep to android phone's loudspeaker programmatically?

2023-03-28 02:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In order to play a short beep sound through an Android phone's loudspeaker programmatically, several methods can be used. Here are a few solutions for this issue:

Method 1: Using MediaPlayer class

To play a short beep to Android Phone's loudspeaker programmatically using the MediaPlayer class, you can follow these steps:

Create a new MediaPlayer object. Set the audio stream type to STREAM_MUSIC. Set the data source to a Uri pointing to the beep sound file. Prepare the MediaPlayer object for playback. Start playback. Release the MediaPlayer object after playback is complete.

Here's the code example:

MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(); mediaPlayer.setAudioStreamType(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); Uri beepUri = Uri.parse("android.resource://" + getPackageName() + "/" + R.raw.beep_sound); mediaPlayer.setDataSource(getApplicationContext(), beepUri); mediaPlayer.prepare(); mediaPlayer.start(); mediaPlayer.setOnCompletionListener(new MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener() { @Override public void onCompletion(MediaPlayer mediaPlayer) { mediaPlayer.release(); } });

In this example, we set the audio stream type to STREAM_MUSIC to ensure the beep sound is played through the device's loudspeaker. We then set the data source to a Uri pointing to the beep sound file, which is located in the res/raw directory. We then prepare the MediaPlayer object for playback and start playback. Finally, we release the MediaPlayer object after playback is complete to free up resources.

Note that we also set an OnCompletionListener to release the MediaPlayer object after playback is complete. This is important to ensure that resources are properly released and to prevent memory leaks.

That's it! With this code, you should be able to play a short beep to the Android Phone's loudspeaker using the MediaPlayer class.

Method 2: Using SoundPool class

To play a short beep to Android Phone's loudspeaker programmatically using SoundPool class, you can follow the steps below:

Create a SoundPool object: SoundPool soundPool = new SoundPool(1, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); Load the beep sound file into the SoundPool: int beepSoundId = soundPool.load(context, R.raw.beep_sound, 1); Define a listener to be notified when the sound is loaded: soundPool.setOnLoadCompleteListener(new SoundPool.OnLoadCompleteListener() { @Override public void onLoadComplete(SoundPool soundPool, int sampleId, int status) { if (status == 0) { // Play the beep sound, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f); } } }); Finally, call the load() method to load the sound file: soundPool.load(context, R.raw.beep_sound, 1);

Here is the complete code:

SoundPool soundPool = new SoundPool(1, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0); int beepSoundId; soundPool.setOnLoadCompleteListener(new SoundPool.OnLoadCompleteListener() { @Override public void onLoadComplete(SoundPool soundPool, int sampleId, int status) { if (status == 0) { // Play the beep sound, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f); } } }); beepSoundId = soundPool.load(context, R.raw.beep_sound, 1);

Note: Make sure to replace R.raw.beep_sound with your own beep sound file.

Method 3: Using ToneGenerator class

To play a short beep to Android Phone's loudspeaker programmatically, you can use the ToneGenerator class in Android. The following steps will guide you on how to use this class:

Create an instance of the ToneGenerator class: ToneGenerator toneG = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM, 100);

Here, we have created a ToneGenerator object with the STREAM_ALARM stream type and the volume level of 100.

Play the beep sound using the startTone() method: toneG.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_BEEP, 200);

This will play the beep sound for 200 milliseconds.

Release the ToneGenerator object when you're done: toneG.release();

Putting it all together, the code will look like this:

ToneGenerator toneG = new ToneGenerator(AudioManager.STREAM_ALARM, 100); toneG.startTone(ToneGenerator.TONE_PROP_BEEP, 200); toneG.release();

That's it! You have successfully played a short beep to Android Phone's loudspeaker programmatically using the ToneGenerator class.




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